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Moroccan medinas: how to lose yourself without getting lost

Moroccan medinas: how to lose yourself without getting lost

There’s something quite magical about medinas. These majestic walled cities were designed to protect citizens from attack, and date back to as early as the 9th century (in the case of Fez). Inside every medina lies a labyrinthine maze of streets, alleyways, bustling “souks” or markets, squares, communal “hammams” (bath houses), mosques, shops and riads.

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Safety tips for female travellers in Morocco

Safety tips for female travellers in Morocco

If you’re a woman travelling to Morocco for the first time, you may have some concerns about your health and about terrorism and other catastrophic events such as floods. Thirdly there are also personal safety issues like pickpocketing and being hassled with unwanted male attention. This blog elaborates upon this last category of potential risk.

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The truth about tipping, bargaining and commissions in Morocco

The truth about tipping, bargaining and commissions in Morocco

If it’s your first time travelling in Morocco, you might notice some different practices to back home—especially when it comes to money matters. Perhaps someone is holding out their hand for a tip when you didn’t ask for their help, or maybe you’re unsure about how much is the polite amount to tip after you’ve enjoyed a meal at a cafe or restaurant.

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5 ways to experience the real Morocco

5 ways to experience the real Morocco

One of the reasons why we love Morocco is that it’s totally different to home, and perhaps unlike anywhere you’ve ever been before. From the bustling square of Marrakech to the winding alleyways of Fez, to the spectacular peaks of the Atlas mountains and vast dunes of the Sahara desert; Morocco is an undeniably unique place.

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Aussies in Morocco Tours